Bromwich Road


Eco Church January 2025


Happy New Year Everyone!

Gerald and I would like to thank everyone who turned

out for MAINTENANCE MONDAYS  last year.  There are always plenty

of jobs to do on the outside of the Mission.  Either gutter cleaning,

window cleaning, path sweeping, leaf raking, etc., etc., so your help

is always appreciated.

I would like to thank Viv for her generous donation to purchase bird food

for our bird feeders in the garden.  One in the tree and one in the hedge

in the garden.  Suet blocks are good as they don’t drop seed everywhere

and the squirrel proof feeders seem to be working – so far!

As the Mission is blessed with lots of birds, maybe we could take part in the

RSPB BIG GARDEN BIRD COUNT this January?  Would you like to join me? 

It only takes 1 hour of your time, on a day between 24th – 26th January

(to be arranged after I have registered).  We could have a cuppa and biscuit

at the same time.  Just have a word with me if you would like to join me,

so that I know how many are coming.  Don’t know many birds?  I can help

you learn and maybe it could be the start of a new interest?

2024 has been a dreadful year for butterflies.  Apparently, the worst for many

years,  according to Butterfly Conservation.  However, since we have let the

grass grow along the hedgerows, I have seen two new species in the Mission

grounds, not seen here in previous years – Ringlet and Meadow Brown,

so rather pleased even if it was only one sighting of each species! 

Hopefully 2025 will be better!

There are two Eco-church notice boards at the Mission, one in the main hall

and one in the garden room.  Throughout the year, news, events and other

things will be announced starting with Second Hand Saturdays in February,

so do keep an eye on the notice boards!

Sue Garfield

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