ECO CHURCH NEWS We have now received the new
Eco-Church Survey and the Committee has, after discussion,
decided that going for Silver is going to be impossibly hard
for the Mission. So we have decided to stay at Bronze Level,
but to implement it to the best it can be for our church and its
circumstances. This does not mean resting on our laurels,
there are still things we can do anyway to be a good Bronze standard.
“BUY NOTHING NEW NOVEMBER” this initiative was started
last year by Keep Britain Tidy as an antidote to the over-consumption
of BLACK FRIDAY, and the ensuing things being just thrown away.
You sign up on-line at the Keep Britain Tidy website, and pledge not to
buy anything new for November (except of course, food, medicines and
repairs). They send you weekly tips on how to reduce your
consumption, i.e. buy second hand, etc. Why not give it a try?
Second Hand Saturdays are starting soon at The Fold, Bransford.
See the notice board in the Garden Room.
BIRDS AT THE MISSION I am donating a Squirrel/Rat proof fat block
feeder to hang in the Mission garden. I am looking for donations of fat
blocks to keep it full, or if you would like to donate money for me to buy
the fat blocks, please have a word with me. Fat feeders do not drop food
so do not encourage vermin for those of you who are anxious.
We do have a lot of birds in our grounds so this will help them during
the present climate chaos we are experiencing.
Thank you. Sue Garfield