Bromwich Road


Eco Church September Update

Churches all over the country are stepping up to the challenge of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss. They recognise that we have not been good stewards of God’s earth and, as David Attenborough said, “humans have overrun the earth”. But at a price. Church grounds are now being managed as wildlife friendly areas, churchyards especially. New mowing regimes have been introduced along with habitat enhancements.
As part of our working towards our Eco-church award, we are making the church grounds more habitat-friendly to wildlife, we have taken part in “No Mow May”. Now we progress to other things to do. Firstly, we shall be leaving out water dishes in various places, for the hedgehogs and foxes, and the bees too. Our equivalent of a “watering hole”!
Next, we will add discretely positioned bird boxes which I hope to make myself from timber discards, as we have quite a lot of birds in the Mission grounds. Next, bug hotels, as there are lots of insects and butterflies. Then later on in the winter bird feeders and perhaps a bird bath?
This is where you come in. Do you have any old wooden vegetable crates/boxes that I could turn into bug hotels? Or thick off-cuts of planks of wood for making bird boxes? If so, please let me know.
Here’s hoping!

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