Bromwich Road


Notice Sheet - June 2024


2nd June 6.30pm

Service including Communion

9th June

Worship 4 All

Breakfast 10.15am Service 10.45am

16th June 6.30pm Service

23rd June 10.30am

 Service including Communion

30th June 3.30pm

Eco Tea Service followed by bring and share tea


A Place of Welcome every Thursday 10.00am – 12noon

in the Garden Room; for all in the community, providing company,

free refreshments, and a listening ear.


Tuesday Fellowship, 2nd Tuesday of the month, next meeting,

Tuesday 11th June at 2.30pm in the Garden Room,

for a cuppa ‘n’ chat and fellowship together. Everyone welcome


Prayer Meeting in the prayer room Monday 24th June at 10.30am

in the prayer room. Everyone Welcome


Working party for tiding up the outside of Mission

Monday 10th June at 10.00am.

Coffee Mornings Wednesday 5th and 19th June

in the Garden Room between 10.30am and 12noon.

Donations welcome towards Shoe Box Gifts

Everyone Welcome

Zoom Coffee Mornings Wednesday 12th and 26th June

Zoom Prayer Meeting every Thursday at 10.00am

Each Zoom session lasts approximately 40mins.

If you’re interested in joining in via zoom please email Meryl Everyone Welcome


Worcester Food Bank Please leave donations in the

box under the table in the back of the church.

Thank you for your support.


Shoe Box Gifts Wanted: empty shoe boxes, outdoor games

ie skipping ropes, balls, chunky chalk.

Please leave in the box in the lounge.

Thank you for your support.


You are invited to join Sister Christine as she celebrates her

Diamond Jubilee, since first taking her vows.


For a Mass on Wednesday 17th July at 12 noon.

At Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, followed by a bring and share lunch.


No gifts please, but if desired a gift towards Samaritans Purse Clean Water Appeal.


If you would like to attend, please let Meryl or Helen know by Sunday 23rd June.





   2nd June

Sue Gardiner


   9th June

Worship 4 All

Worship 4 All

16th June

Margaret H


23rd June


Meryl and Michael

30th June

Tea Service

Pat and Roy












Plant Life started “No Mow May” a couple of years ago. 

Since then scientific study has shown that “remember,

remember, don’t mow till September”, is more appropriate, as it gives plants,

insects and butterflies more time to complete their life cycles.  Also, different

heights of grass in your garden encourages more diverse plants.  So, vary the

height of your lawn mowers cut.

If you have longer grass, cut it once in the spring, and once again in September.

Shorter grass can be cut once a fortnight/month. 

I’ve tried this in my garden and it really works.  I have long grass with a pathway

of very short cut grass through it to gain access to borders and it looks nice too!

I also have shorter cut grass which has cowslips and daffodils, which once they

have flowered is cut on a high blade cut for the rest of the year.  Why not give it a try?



The BIG BUTTERFLY COUNT 2024 is 12th July to 4th August

Just spend 15 minutes of your time in your garden or park and record

what you see.  Go to Butterfly Conservation website to find out more.


s on Saturday 22nd June at 12noon.  Many major wildlife charities and

well known people will be attending to lobby our MPs to take action on

Bio-Diversity and Climate Change.  They haven’t kept any of their promises

or targets and things are getting critical for nature in the UK

Sue Garfield


Executive Meeting Monday 17th June at 2.00pm in the garden room.


Dates for your Diary

Saturday 6th July  – Walk

Monday 22nd July – Ladies Meal

Saturday 31st August - Afternoon Music Concert

More details to follow.


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