Bromwich Road Mission
August 2024
4th August 6.30pm
Service including Communion
11th August 10.30am Service
18th August 6.30pm Service
25th August 10.30am
Service including Communion
A Place of Welcome every Thursday 10.00am – 12noon
in the Garden Room; for all in the community, providing
company, free refreshments, and a listening ear.
No Tuesday Fellowship during August
Prayer Meeting Monday 19th August at 10.30am in the
prayer room. Everyone Welcome
Executive Meeting Monday 29th July at 2.00pm in the
garden room.
Worcester Food Bank Please leave donations in the
box under the table in the back of the church.
Thank you for your support
Coffee Mornings in the Garden Room Wednesday
7th and 21st August between 10.30am and 12noon.
Donations welcome towards Shoe Box Gifts
Everyone Welcome
Zoom Coffee Mornings Wednesday 14th and 28th August, 10.30am
Zoom Prayer Meeting every Thursday at 10.00am
Each Zoom session lasts approximately 40mins.
If you’re interested in joining in via zoom please email
Meryl, Everyone Welcome
Have you noticed how few butterflies
and bees and other insects there are
around this year? This is part of a
general trend of bio-diversity decline. A combination of
terrible and changeable weather at the start of the year,
more building of roads and houses, large population
increase, intense farming practices, and polluted
watercourses has combined to put pressure on wildlife
in Britain, like never before. The decline of insects is
worrying, as birds, plants and ultimately us, depend on them.
Sadly, I have seen very few butterflies, moths or bees in
the Mission’s garden and field this year.
I am still awaiting news from A Rocha about the changes
to Eco-Church, but in the meantime, keep feeding the
birds, putting water out for wildlife and providing nooks
and crannies for insects to overwinter.
Sue Garfield
Saturday 31st August
Musical Blessings
Summer Concert and Cream Tea
1.30pm – 3.30pm Tickets £6
Please see Meryl for tickets and request
them by 29th August so we know how
many to cater for.
See leaflet for more details
Please invite your family and friends along
Wanted help to prepare the cream tea and serve it,
if you can help, please see Meryl
Thank you
Shoe Box Gifts Wanted: bars of soap, toothbrushes,
combs and hairbrushes please put items in the box in the
lounge. Thank you for your support
Next Walk Saturday 14th September 2.30pm more
details in September.
August |
Thursday |
1st |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
4th |
Service with Communion |
6.30pm |
Church |
Wednesday |
7th |
Coffee Morning |
10.30am |
8th |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
11th |
Service |
10.30am |
Church |
Wednesday |
14th |
Zoom Coffee Morning |
10.30am |
Garden Room |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
18th |
Service |
6.30pm |
Church |
Monday |
19th |
Prayer Meeting |
10.30am |
Prayer Room |
Wednesday |
21st |
Coffee Morning |
10.30am |
Thursday |
22nd |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
25th |
Service with Communion |
10.30am |
Church |
May the God of hope fill you with joy
and peace as you trust Him.
Rotas |
Flowers |
Refreshments |
4th August |
Margaret H |
Meryl and Michael |
11th August |
Meryl |
Gill |
18th August |
Sue Gardiner |
Pat and Roy |
25th August |
Mary and Ron |
Margaret and Maurice |