Notuce Sheet July 2024
A Place of Welcome every Thursday
10.00am – 12noon
in the Garden Room; for all in the community,
providing company, free refreshments, and a listening ear.
Tuesday Fellowship, 2nd Tuesday of the month, next meeting,
Tuesday 9th July at 2.30pm in the Garden Room,
for a cuppa ‘n’ chat and fellowship together. Everyone welcome
Prayer Meeting in the prayer room Monday 22nd July at 10.30am i
n the prayer room. Everyone Welcome
Executive Meeting Monday 29th July at 2.00pm in the garden room.
Shoe Box Gifts Wanted: empty shoe boxes at present we are very
short of these. Please leave in the box in the lounge.
Thank you for your support.
Coffee Mornings Wednesday in the Garden Room
3rd July between 10.30am and 12noon.
17th July between 10.00am and 11.30pm please note the
change of time Donations welcome towards Shoe Box Gifts
Everyone Welcome
Zoom Coffee Mornings Wednesday 10th and 24th July, 10.30am
Zoom Prayer Meeting every Thursday at 10.00am
Each Zoom session lasts approximately 40mins.
If you’re interested in joining in via zoom please email
Meryl Everyone Welcome
Worcester Food Bank A very big ‘thank you’ to everyone for your
continued support and contributions, both goods and monetary gifts,
to Worcester Foodbank. The team at the Foodbank greatly appreciate
every contribution. Worcester News recently interviewed Grahame Lucas,
who has been Worcester Foodbank Manager for over ten years, and he
said: “It’s changed out of all recognition. This year has been one of the busiest
periods for us; we are stretched to the limit and demand is up 30% from last year.
I would like to praise the generosity of Worcester companies and individuals who
are superbly generous and allow us to have the capacity to meet demand. We see
a lot of working families who are living on the edge, because of the cost of living
crisis. Ten years ago we would help 2,000-3,000 people each year; this last year
we helped over 18,000.” Every gift is so important and valued, so thank you
once again. Every blessing, Gill
Walk Saturday 6th July at 2.30pm If you wish to join in meet outside
80 Malvern Road Powick, WR2 4RT, plenty of on road parking available,
the walk will roughly take an hour depending on the speed of the walkers!
Please be prepared for mud and rough terrain! Look forward to seeing you,
feel free to bring along your family and friends to join us for an afternoon of
fun, fellowship and enjoying God’s wonderful creation together.
Ladies Summer Supper 22nd July Ego, Lowerwick 6.30pm
Ladies please join us for a casual and convivial meal, simply pay for your
own meal and drink. After a great turn out during Spring’s catch up we look
forward to breaking bread together For ease we will go to Ego again but
please feel free to make suggestions on your favourite venues. I have left
a menu with the attendees list at the back of church if you could please
write down your food choices so we can preorder, or you can email me
at Sunday 14th July. Please also
let me know if you require a lift. Thank you Jules
Saturday 31st August - Afternoon Music Concert please see separate
leaflet for more details. Please see Meryl if you are able to help set up or
help with the refreshments. Thank you
Part of our church being in the Eco Church Award Scheme
is to fulfil certain standards. Which brings me to the subject
of meat. British meat has higher welfare standards. Cheap
meat at the supermarket is usually imported and may mean the animals have
been factory-farmed, injected with growth hormones and antibiotics. They may
have been fed food from dubious sources, which in turn impacts on human health
and does environmental damage.
At the very least, look out for the Union Jack Flag logo on the packaging or the
Red Tractor symbol or the RSPCA logo.
Compassion in World Farming has, after decades of campaigning just brought
to an end Live Animal Exports from the UK prompting the government to ban it.
This ends terrible suffering and stress for transported animals and a not very
good end at foreign slaughterhouses.
Maybe just eat a little less meat, or have a vegetarian meal once or twice
a week, or go vegan? This would cut global CO2 emissions quite a bit if lots
of people modified their diet. Because everyone is different, it’s a question of
doing what you can, and not feeling guilty or a failure if you can’t quite do it all.
Sue Garfield
July |
Tuesday |
2nd |
Little Sunbeams |
1.00pm |
Hall |
Wednesday |
3rd |
Coffee Morning |
10.30am |
Garden Room |
Thursday |
4th |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
7th |
Service with Communion |
6.30pm |
Church |
Tuesday |
9th |
Little Sunbeams |
1.00pm |
Hall |
Tuesday Fellowship |
2.30pm |
Garden Room |
Wednesday |
10th |
Zoom Coffee Morning |
10.30am |
11th |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
14th |
Worship 4 All Breakfast Service |
10.15am 10.45am |
Church |
Tuesday |
16th |
Little Sunbeams |
1.00pm |
Hall |
Wednesday |
17th |
Coffee Morning |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
21st |
Service |
6.30pm |
Church |
Monday |
22nd |
Prayer Meeting |
10.30am |
Prayer Room |
Ladies Meal |
6.30pm |
Ego |
Wednesday |
24th |
Zoom Coffee Morning |
10.30am |
Thursday |
26th |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
28th |
Service with Communion |
10.30am |
Church |
Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10
Rotas |
Flowers |
Refreshments |
7th July |
Viv |
Margaret and Maurice |
14th July |
Worship 4 All |
Worship 4 All |
21st July |
Wendy Plumpton |
Sue and Steve |
28th July |
Miriam |
Gil |