A Place of Welcome every Thursday 10.00am – 12noon
in the Garden Room; for all in the community, providing
company, free refreshments, and a listening ear.
Tuesday Fellowship, 2nd Tuesday of the month, next
meeting, Tuesday 14th May at 2.30pm in the Garden Room,
for a cuppa ‘n’ chat and fellowship together. Everyone welcome
Prayer Meeting in the prayer room Monday 20th May at
10.30am in the prayer room. Everyone Welcome
Coffee Mornings Wednesday 1st and 15th May
in the Garden Room between 10.30am and 12noon.
Donations welcome towards Shoe Box Gifts
Everyone Welcome
Zoom Coffee Mornings Wednesday 8th, 22nd and 29th
Zoom Prayer Meeting every Thursday at 10.00am
Each Zoom session lasts approximately 40mins.
If you’re interested in joining in via zoom please email Meryl
meryl.griffiths@btinternet.com Everyone Welcome
Worcester Food Bank Please leave donations in the
box under the table in the back of the church.
Thank you for your support.
Shoe Box Gifts Wanted: empty shoe boxes, outdoor games ie
skipping ropes, balls, chunky chalk.
Please leave in the box in the lounge.
Thank you for your support.
You are invited to join
Sister Christine as she celebrates her Diamond Jubilee,
since first taking her vows.
For a Mass on Wednesday 17th July at 12 noon.
At Our Lady Queen of Peace Church
Followed by a bring and share lunch.
If you would like to attend please let Meryl or Helen know by
Sunday 23rd June.
Firstly a big thank you to the folks at the
Places of Welcome who donated 2 nest
boxes and a squirrel-proof fat ball feeder.
Ian has been up the step ladder fixing them
to the trees. Any donations of fat balls/sticks
from members of the Mission would be
gratefully received, just have a word with me. The nest box in
the garden has also been relocated to prevent the cats getting
at it. When the trees grow back after their trim they should be
more protected from predators.
We have also been donated some wildflower plug plants, which
have been planted into the meadow areas. Yarrow, Birds Foot
Trefoil and Field Scabious, which are all butterfly, caterpillar
and bee friendly plants. The Alder Buckthorn which we have
planted is starting to bud up too.
The first spring butterflies have been spotted fluttering around,
Speckled Wood, Holly Blue and a female Orange Tip.
The terrible winter weather prevented leaf clearing from the
garden area, but it seems to have benefited the plants this
spring and there are many more worms, which means the soil
is improving! The summer area of the garden need some tlc
now that the weather is improving.
It is all starting to shape-up now and is becoming “God’s Acre”,
hand in hand with “God’s Mission Church” for us humans.
Sue Garfield
PS Don’t forget No Mow May
Working party for tiding up the outside of Mission Monday
13th May at 10.00am.
Executive Meeting Monday 29th April at 2.00pm in the garden room.