A Place of Welcome every Thursday 10.00am – 12 noon
in the Garden Room; for all in the community, providing company,
free refreshments, and a listening ear.
Tuesday Fellowship, 2nd Tuesday of the month, next meeting
Tuesday 11th March at 2.30pm in the Garden Room,
for a cuppa ‘n’ chat and fellowship together. Everyone welcome
Prayer Meeting Monday 24th March 10.30am in the prayer room
Everyone Welcome
Worcester Food Bank Please leave donations in the
box at the back of the Church. Thank you for your support.
Coffee Mornings in the Garden Room 10.30am - 12noon.
Wednesday 5th and 19th March Everyone Welcome
Donations welcome towards Shoe Box Gifts
Zoom Coffee Morning Wednesday 12th and 26th March
Zoom Prayer Meeting every Thursday at 10.00am
Each Zoom session lasts approximately 40mins.
If you’re interested in joining in via zoom please email Meryl
meryl.griffiths@btinternet.com Everyone Welcome
Shoe Box Gifts Wanted: Hair accessories – hair slides, bands, combs,
brushes etc. Please leave any items in the box in the lounge.
Thank you for your support.
Next Executive Meeting Monday 12th May at 2.00pm
in the garden room.
Little Sunbeams Baby and Toddler Group every Tuesday 1.00pm - 2.30pm.
If you know a family with children under school age, please invite them.
Toddler Church a Service for babies, toddlers, and their adults.
in the Garden Room.
Monday 10th and 24th March
9.15am - Refreshments
9.30am – 10.00am Service
Rotas |
Flowers |
Refreshments |
2nd March |
Viv |
Gill |
9th March |
Worship 4 All |
Worship 4 All |
16th March |
Sue Gardiner |
Margaret and Maurice |
23rd March |
Meryl |
Meryl and Michael |
30th March |
Tea service |
Gill |
Date for your Diary 17th May Beetle Drive followed by Sausages and Chips Tea. All ages welcome. More details in April.
Mission AGM Wednesday 12th March 7.00pm in the garden Room
Please come along and support this meeting, everyone welcome.
Please let Judith have reports by Sunday 2nd March, Thank you.
The Big Garden Birdwatch was a pleasant surprise as
16 species of birds were recorded at the Mission. Blackbird
, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Collared Dove, Dunnock, Goldfinch,
Great Tit, House Sparrow, Long-tailed Tit, Magpie, Robin, Starling, Wren,
Woodpigeon, Gold Crest and Little Egret! Thank you to the 5 people who
attended and the weather was good too!
Good news to report is that the government has banned the use of some
chemical sprays on crops for 2025. This is the result of lobbying to protect
bees and butterflies, and hopefully give them chance to recover from the
poor year for insects last year.
Also, Boots the chemist, is now collecting medicine blister packs in 800
stores throughout Britain. So you can now take your used packs directly
to the stores to recycle them.
It’s the GREAT BRITISH SPRING CLEAN 21st March to 6th April.
If you go to the Keep Britain Tidy web page you will find details of how to
take part. Many people pledge to pick up a bag of litter during this time.
Please do keep putting your USED inject cartridges in the box provided
in the lounge. We need to get 15 before we can send them off to raise
funds for Vale Wildlife Hospital.
Sue Garfield
Health and Safety please ensure if you are using a ladder indoors or
outdoors, on Mission Property, that you are not working alone, thank you.
The Lord is my strength and my defence he
has become my salvation Psalm 118:14
March 2025 |
Sunday |
2nd |
Service with Communion |
6.30pm |
Church |
Tuesday |
4th |
Little Sunbeams |
1.00pm |
Hall |
Wednesday |
5th |
Coffee Morning |
10.30am |
Garden Room |
Thursday |
6th |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
9th |
Worship 4 All Breakfast Service |
10.15am 10.45am |
Church |
Monday |
10th |
Toddler Church |
9.15am |
Garden Room |
Tuesday |
11th |
Little Sunbeams |
1.00pm |
Hall |
Tuesday Fellowship |
2.30pm |
Garden Room |
Wednesday |
12th |
Zoom Coffee Morning |
10.30am |
7.00pm |
Garden Room |
Thursday |
13th |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
16th |
Service |
6.30pm |
Church |
Wednesday |
19th |
Coffee Morning |
10.30am |
Garden Room |
Thursday |
20th |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
23rd |
Service with Communion |
10.30am |
Church |
Monday |
24th |
Toddler Church |
9.15am |
Garden Room |
Prayer Meeting |
10.30am |
Prayer Room |
Tuesday |
25th |
Little Sunbeams |
1.00pm |
Hall |
Wednesday |
26th |
Zoom Coffee Morning |
10.30pm |
Thursday |
27th |
A Place of Welcome |
10.00am |
Garden Room |
Zoom Prayer Meeting |
10.00am |
Sunday |
30th |
Tea Service |
3.30pm |
Garden Room |